

The Challenge

A national HVAC contractor purchased a large quantity of finished product (condensers) and raw materials (copper) from China in advance of a large multi-family development project. He need the items categorized by SKU, storage for six months, and a phased delivery scheduled to their customer’s site as the items and materials were needed.

How we Helped

To proactively address these issues, MyPorter invited the client on-site to discuss the cadence and details. Working with the CEO of the HVAC contractor (our client) MyPorter delivered a flexible solution that accurately measured month storage pricing based on reduction in inventory levels and a flat, easily understood fee for delivery. A simple pricing structure was created for storage, handling services for inbound / outbound, exception management (e.g., pallet re- stacking, shrink wrapping), and full suite of technology visibility and reporting services using the MyPorter technology stack.


The project went extremely smoothly with the construction site getting the correct parts and raw materials at precisely the right time, resulting in a well-run operation and secure storage for highly valuable inventory and no leakage. The client is gearing up to use MyPorter on another project in the Atlanta area.

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